Thursday, July 28, 2011

What Is It Good For? Part 4: Big Wars

This is the final title I added to my collection of "Wars" anime.  More intergalactic warring, but this time we're headed to Mars.  You're in store for some allusions to religious radicalization in our last installment for the month:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What Is It Good For? Part 3: Psychic Wars

Demons and a buff, shirtless, surgical oncologist duke it out for the fate of mankind in this unusual little title.  This blog post is dedicated to a coworker who left recently and is preparing for her imminent wedding.  This goes out to you Chivon!  I'm also adding a new searchable category for your enjoyment: Memorable Moment.  A category for those titles that have scenes I can never forget.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What Is It Good For? Part 2: Vampire Wars

Vampires are everywhere these days.  The popularity of these blood-sucking creatures of the night never seems to wane and that is as true in Japan as it is here in the States. By the law of averages, if you produce a whole lot of anything a few will be great, a lot will be mediocre, and a few will be delightfully terrible.  This week we'll look at a title that falls squarely into the last category. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What Is It Good For? Part 1: Venus Wars

War is a popular theme for stories in all mediums.  When I began collecting used anime, I was surprised at the horrendous movies that were titled like a mad lib reading "_____ Wars"  I made it my personal mission to collect every anime movie or OVA with this titular scheme. This wasn't too hard, there were only 4, all of which you'll see this month.  I didn't care as much about TV series such as Sakura Wars.  The true junk and gems are usually produced in more limited time run.  We'll start off with a tale of interplanetary strife: