May is all about detective anime. Mysteries, Private Eyes and sweet, sweet cash. To make the transition a bit easier we'll start with a detective anime that has a lot of fighting elements too. Enjoy the cat wrangling action of:
Released By: U.S. Manga Corps
Length: 49 minutes
Year of Production: 1993
Language: Sub and Dub both included, Dub reviewed
Available on Netflix: Yes
Art of Fighting was originally a video game series for the Neo Geo. This OVA was released between the first and second installments in the series. If you're interested in seeing the games, the first 2 are available on the Wii's Virtual Console. The Art of Fighting games take place in he same universe as the Fatal Fury and King of Fighters series.
The Detectives:
Ryo Sakazaki runs a small detective agency as well as a dojo where he teaches young kids how to beat each other up. Ryo is dedicated to his sister Yuri and tolerates his partner Robert. As part of his martial arts training, Ryo refuses to wear shoes.
No Shoes, Full Service |
Robert Garcia is the heir to the incredibly wealthy Garcia Foundation. He loves fast cars and faster women. There is no reason for him to run a tiny little detective agency with Ryo since he has more money than anyone else in the city. Apparently Robert only hangs out with Ryo in order to hit on his sister, which is creepy and wrong.
Loves the hooch, the hoochies, and Ryo's sister |
Our story opens with Ryo chasing a cat. His big, important, detective job is to hunt down some rich lady's cat in exchange for $500. In the course of chasing after the cat Ryo falls off he roof and Robert saves him by kicking him midair to break his fall. The two team up to track down the wily cat and climb back up the building.
Here Kitty Kitty Kitty |
The feisty feline hops through an open window and after a brief discussion on the legality of chasing a cat into another person's apartment, Ryo and Robert decides to break and enter. As if this petty crime isn't enough, Robert decides to steal some booze and fixes himself a whiskey on the rocks. Ryo, deciding one crime is enough, continues looking for the cat. Robert is the one who finds the cat by stepping on its tail, and the resulting yowl makes him spill his drink out the window. Suddenly a really ugly man comes running into the apartment chased by some hoodlums.
Brandishing the same ugly stick that was used on him |
Ryo and Robert watch the man defend himself until he is eventually shot dead. The thugs, lead by a large man called Bear Killer Jack now turn their attention to our two heroes. They assume the detectives work for the dead man and ask him where the jewel is hidden. After a brief fight the two leap out the window to relative safety.
Tough guys should not somersault |
Bear Killer Jack returns to his boss, Mr. Big, to report the missing jewel. Big's right hand man, a woman named King, pulls up information on Ryu and Robert. The info is rather hilarious, more on this in the "Why Watch" section. Mr. Big is pleased to find Ryo has a sister, and it gives his evil mind a grand idea. Kidnapping! Meanwhile Ryo and Robert are returning the cat they risked theirs lives to get only to find out it is the wrong one. So back to the dojo.
Apparently they teach kids to crush rainbows |
While watching TV our detectives learn that a diamond known as the Eye of Sirius was stolen and their old police investigator pal vows to get it back in 3 days. Bear Killer Jack crashes their office to find the jewel he is certain they took from the apartment. Unfortunately for Ryo, his punches have no effect on Jack's bulk. Fortunately a mop to the head and a kick to the face work just fine.
Your physical fitness is no match for my morbid obesity! |
Our duo is called to the Police Station to meet with their old pal, who grills them about the diamond. They claim to know nothing, which is absolutely true. As they leave Robert's Ferrari is crushed by an out of control semi. Inside is a note from Mr. Big asking them to come to the casino with the Eye of Sirius. Oh and he has Yuri being held hostage by a knife wielding maniac.
He has trouble with first impressions |
Robert goes to the casino and meets with King at the bar. His requests for her phone number are flatly rejected but she agrees to bring him to Mr. Big so they can trade the diamond for the girl. Once in the backroom Robert pulls out a grenade instead of a jewel. Mr. Big and company are unfazed by his threat. Mr. Big is always prepared for assassination attempts and has himself and his whole crew, except King, safely behind bulletproof glass. While Robert has them distracted, Ryo busts through the non-bulletproof window and rescues his sister. Then the police show up and bust into the casino on a wrecking ball.
A bit unorthodox, but horribly effective |
Mr. Big escapes but give Ryo a second chance to find the diamond and get his sister back. Robert has a sudden revelation that the diamond must have been hidden in the ice cube tray of the apartment. They go to check, but all ice, no jewel. Robert remembers the drink he spilled out the window and sure enough, the diamond is wedged into a sidewalk crack. The detectives grab the Eye of Sirius and race the police to Mr. Big's mansion. A strategic missile strike from a helicopter blocks the police's path giving Mr. Big plenty of time with our detectives.
Get through with guts and manly power! |
Mr. Big welcomes the gumshoes and shows them that Yuri is safe. She won't be for much longer though as Mr. Big is threatening her with a large phallic staff. Robert hands over the diamond and Mr. Big flees to his helicopter, holding onto Yuri as an extra insurance policy.
I wonder if that's battery powered..... |
Ryo and Robert break free of the guards and run outside to watch the helicopter take off. Being the resourceful man he is, Ryo uses the diving board to spring up onto the helicopter. He brings down the aircraft single-handedly and makes Mr. Big drop the diamond into the pool below. This is all well and good, except the copter has a live missile aboard. Robert dives into the pool to save Ryo and Yuri despite the fact they're both conscious, capable swimmers and there is a MISSILE ABOUT TO EXPLODE. Now time for the final battles. First off King vs. Robert , in which he'll get her phone number if he wins. Which he does with a swift kick to her stomach.
I don't know what he sees in her. |
Next up is Ryo vs. Mr. Big. Mr. Big brings his A game and fights with two large phallic staffs. Ryo eventually punches him so hard his glasses fall off and the jewel he keeps in one of his eye sockets falls out. These fights were very unimpressive.
Good ol' one-eyed Willy Big |
Yuri gets re-captured by the knife freak but is quickly rescued by the police investigator. Things wrap up nicely from here. The bad guys are taken into custody, although the cops admit they'll be back on the streets soon as Mr. Big has friends on the Supreme Court. Then the police all go for a swim to find the diamond that fell in the pool.
Draining the pool would be too easy and no fun at all |
Robert, Ry,o and Yuri go back to hunting for the cat that they never did find. Ryo closes in on it and the story ends. Well almost. There is a bit of animation during the credits showing Robert hitting on women and Ryo teaching kids to beat things up. The end for real this time.
Why watch?
1. Beautiful backgrounds - For a show with seemingly low production values overall, the backgrounds are gorgeous. The cityscape, buildings and signs all look great.
Love the signs |
Looks like a watercolor I suppose |
2. Engrish - There are some great uses of English in this show. First example is the fitness magazine the detectives find in the jewel thief's apartment. The second is profiles of Robert and Ryo in Mr. Bigs computer. It looks like the animators copy and pasted text from user's manual for some old PC software. Take a look.
Increase Calf Size 2 Inches |
Apparently he is a Carate Master |
Stylisy? You may not be able to read the smaller print, but it is gold. |
Why not to watch?
1. Subpar fights - For an anime based on a fighting game, the actual battles are unfortunately unimpressive.
If only he could win the fight against mediocrity |
Should you be watching?
Nope. Don't bother with this one. Art of Fighting has a completely generic and uninteresting plot. This could be forgivable if the fights were well choreographed or at least well animated but they are neither. Even if you loved the games this is based on, I still wouldn't recommend this one to you. Skip it and check back in with me next week.
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